
New Wasp Species Discovered in Denmark

20 June 2024

A new wasp species has arrived in Denmark. Previously only recorded in countries such as Sweden and Germany—where it is also rare—it has now been found in Saksfjed Wilderness on Lolland. The wasp does not sting humans.

Netelia caucasica is a nocturnal parasitic wasp that preys on butterfly larvae. The species is considered rare throughout its range, which includes Germany and Sweden.

We spent late nights examining collected specimens, and suddenly, something looked suspicious. Final confirmation came through calls to wasp experts around the world. For a nature nerd like me, finding a species new to the country is like winning the lottery. Here in the Wilderness, we’re trying to better understand nature so we can also help it. That’s why we’re investigating in full force what life already exists here.

Jens Thorving Andersen - Naturalist at Saksfjed Wilderness

Thousands of Wasp Species in Denmark

Denmark is home to thousands of different wasp species, which come in various shapes and colors and have diverse diets. However, only about 20 species belong to the group known as hornets, which have the characteristic black and yellow stripes and are the primary wasps responsible for stings.

The remaining wasp species look quite different and would not be recognized as wasps by most people.

To identify a wasp species—and determine whether it is a new species for the country—scientists carefully examine its body structure, coloration, stinger, wings, and other distinguishing features.

Recording New Species

When a new species is discovered, it must be registered and verified on, where it is documented with photographs and eventually added to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) after verification.

New species are discovered in Denmark every year, and anyone can make an extraordinary find that can be submitted to for review.

Captured in a Malaise Trap

The wasp was captured in a Malaise trap in Saksfjed Wilderness. A Malaise trap functions like a tent designed to collect mosquitoes and other flying insects.